It was eating at me, the idea of skipping 2-3mi of continuous footpath. I hated that I wasn't able to walk clear up to Monarch Pass, and had to take a ride from the film crew. Gangles came up the genius idea, to walk that section *before* the film crew arrived.
Last night, at the laundromat, we met a member of the film crew, Joe. He's the pyro guy, and he showed us lots of photos of his work. I don't want to ruin the movie for you, but there are several explosions. He told us that he had a 6:30am call time.
So, we woke this morning at 4am to pack, and were out on the highway by 5:30am to hitch. At this time, it was still pitch black. We half heartedly stuck a thumb out, but within 30 seconds, we both realized this is ridiculous. No one is going to pick us up on a major highway while it is completely dark. And we probably shouldn't get into a car with someone we can't see.
We did the only reasonable thing to do at that hour. Simultaneously, and without verbal acknowledgement, we just walked back into the hotel, and went back to sleep. (After grabbing hot cinnamon rolls in the lobby, of course).
The F&F7 crew takes the weekends off, so we decided to zero today (Friday), and go back tomorrow (Saturday). Btw, for other Sobos, the film crew should be done within the next couple of days, so don't worry about this delay.
And now, a whole, lovely zero stretched in front of us. Our Salida highlights include: bike ride, coffee, art galleries, farmer's market, Cambodian cuisine, micro-brew on the river, mini-golf, and root beer milk.
Mileage: 0. Salida is a wonderful town.
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