Currently posting from my iPhone at the lakeview motel in lake Isabella, ca. The sobohobos have been hiking big miles and we covered 18, 18, 21, 20 and then the coup de grace, a 25 miler into walker pass. It's been A lot of fun and we've been travelling within a large pack of people for a change which has been really fun. It's also been incredible to see Emily turn into a thru-hiker as we've ratcheted up the mileage. I'm really proud of her and how she's doing so well, after never having spent a night outdoors before!
The hiking has been so great over the last week out of tehachapi. It's been dry as we trek through the high desert but the views have been spectacular as we finally entered the official Sierra nevada range and have been rewarded with views of snow-capped mountains that we are headed for.
This was supposed to be just an in and out for resupply but I actually hitched in last night as I had an issue with an ear infection and decided to come into town to a hospital and get it taken care of. Stayed the night at the local motel (bob the owner was awesome and took care of is, picking me and el presidente up at the hospital. All is fine and i've got aome antibiotic drops to put in my ear for the next week.
Next up... The sierras and big climbs, big snow and big fun! A zero at Kennedy meadows awaits. Sorry about the lack of pictures, there hasn't Been a good place to put pics up, but hopefully i get a chance to do That within the next couple weeks.
Trail has been great, until next post -Barrel Roll
happy b day. great stuff on the blog. Loved the snake story. Desert hiking is so different from the App's. Enjoy all of your moments.