Feverishly packing up all my belongings into boxes. Original plan was to really sort through my things (there's really not a lot) but now the new plan is to throw everything into boxes and worry about it when I get back from the hike.
Food strategy at the moment is 70 days worth of food packaged in 2-day increments (already done) to be sent out to strategic points via post office or people bringing food. We'll be resupplying from grocery stores and gas stations for the rest of the way, similar to what I did at the end of the Appalachian Trail after tiring of the same 3 flavors of Lipton's Noodles and king-size Snickers.
So, box everything up, finalize my pack, and... I guess i'm ready. Doesn't feel like i'm ready. I know i'll feel differently once I step out on the trail but for the moment it doesn't feel real. Nothing really has the last 3 months though.
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